Tuesday, November 13, 2012
121113 - Mini-fanmeeting after Show Champion recording Posted at 11:05 AM 2 comments (+)

Event: Surprise Mini-Fanmeeting after Show Champion Recording
Location: Outside CJ E&M (near Nuritkum Square) 
Knowing that A-JAX will be recording today for the 20th Nov Show Champion broadcast, I went to the venue to 'register my attendance; with the fanstaff at 7am, then left to go to school (I had exams) And after my exams, thinking that I still had plenty of time because the gathering time stated on offiical fancafe is 4pm, I even double-checked that the A-JAX Staff Twitter had no updates - I went to shop for groceries, then strolled home planning to shower before heading out - when I received a kakaotalk message from my friend saying that the fan manager had contacted her and informed her that A-JAX is suddenly pre-recording for the song segment earlier. I literally rushed out, grabbing only my contact lenses and my pre-packed bag, and did my 'face-painting' all on the bus - got there at 3pm to find that A-JAX '2MYX' pre-recording has ENDED. T_T I literally screamed in frustration on the spot - so I have to go through another 2 days' excruciating wait to find out how the song sounds like... T_T According to some Korean fans who managed to be contacted (damn my budget PPS phone limitation) and got down in time, Seungjin had a solo dance portion in the opening segment - and beyond that they were too in awe to describe the song. And nop, they didn't pay attention to the lyrics either, haha! And we were suddenly told there would be a surprise fanmeeting later, so please do not leave after the recording - I immediately asked if we can take photos, the fan manager said yes, and I was like "OH SHIT BUT I DIDN'T BRING MY CAMERA" - so I used the 15 minutes break she gave us to hop onto a taxi, rushed home to get it and back. 9000won. T_T
So anyway I was #4, got in to the talk segment at 5.30pm and because I have experience with this venue, I tried to guess where they were sitting and picked a good spot right beside the centre camera - I was the nearest one to the boys in fact - and I was correct! When A-JAX walked in OH MY FREAKING GOD GOOD THING I ALREADY SAW OFFICIAL PHOTOS FROM THE PRE-RECORDING AND WAS MENTALLY PREPARED OR I WOULD HAVE DIED FROM OVER-SWOONING ON THE SPOT - WHITE SUIT + BLACK LEATHER GLOVES. SUITS+LEATHER!!!!
(Sorry about the screaming caps. I just had to get it out of my system - I have a thing for both so combined = *spazz and die*)   
.... so yes, when they walked in they were looking all around the crowd for their fans as there were only about 10 there for the pre-recording - Jaehyung spotted me pretty quick (everyone was pretty quiet and no yelling today, not sure why, but so I also didn't dare to, but I was standing at a prominent enough spot so that he can't miss me) and smiled+waved. Luckily I had brought my trusty whiteboard so I wrote 2 things - "Sorry I didn't know about the pre-recording so I wasn't there... T_T" and "But I saw the official photos and it was damn cool/handsome!" and to the latter, he gave a smile and thumbs up. And while waiting for the recording to start our eyes met a few more times and everytime he just stared at me until I could feel myself heating-up/turning red and had to turn away and started breaking down/hyperventilating into my friend's shoulder behind me.
During the recording of the talk segment itself, here are bits of what I remember:
- Near the opening, Hyeong Kon and Yunyoung started blushing when A-JAX was being introduced. Hyeongkon especially turned super-fire engine red.  
- Sitting order from left to right was Hyeong Kon Seungjin Sungmin Jaehyung Yunyoung Seungyeop
- Jaehyung was trying to adjust his tie as he can see on the monitor it was kinda crooked but he kept failing to get it correct. I was trying to motion to him to shift it to his right, he saw and tried to do it but not sure why he kept moving it around uselessly. (was so tempted to vault onto stage between takes and just do it for him...)
- Also caught Jaehyung making a couple of cute blowfish faces! Hehe. And towards the end he was fidgeting in this seat. I think the cushion was too thin and the wooden blocks are too hard for his delicate butt. Uwahahaha!
- Jaehyung was very touchy-feely today, everytime he laughed he leaned over and used Sungmin's back as a table, put his arms around him, and did so to Yun Young a couple of times too.
- Yunyoung and Seungyeop were hanging all over each other at times too. What is this, pairing switch-up fanservice day? ^^;;
- They talked about celebrity lookalikes, JH-KHJ, HK-TY of course came up, but new one was Sungmin-K.Will! K.Will was at the recording and they posed with each other. Looked like cousins indeed. Hahaha. And K.Will said that's the 'good vocalist' look. Hahaha.  
- There was a segment where they talked about how to propose, Jaehyung was the 'demonstrator' for A-JAX, when he kneed down on one leg in front of the female MC and went "Noona. I'm gonna get married" "With who" "Won't you do it with me?" I nearly DIED. What would I have given to be in her shoes... *_* and then they said that the proposer should sing a song, Sungmin stood up and did it while Jaehyung lipsynced, then the other MC Shindong said "oh then you can dance too" expecting Jaehyung to dance, Hyeong Kon said "Seungjin will do it" - everyone burst out laughing and said this is a "proposing team". (Seungjin did Hyungseung's arm-sniffing part in 'Troublemaker", by the way. Haha.)
- Poor Seungyeop didn't get to say a thing.
The fanmeeting after that, was held under super-dim conditions. I was in the last row as I ruched over late after waiting for a friend to finish in the toilet (we were dispersed once as the staff thought A-JAX had to stay for the 2nd half of the recording, which I found strange but could not argue anyway - but then recalled back as I was right after all. But last row was still Row 3, so it was just fine and I was standing up trying to shoot. BUT, it was so dark that even with my highest ISO 3200, largest apecture F5.0 and slowest shutter I dared to try 1/30, the photos still turned out barely visible. I cranked the exposure and brightness up in Photoshop but the results were still dismal, as below. Sorry.  (I made them B/W to reduce the noise)


Sorry, my 1 Sungmin shot was so dark that on the spot I could not check and tell that his eyes were closed... but I'll make up for it at the end.

 And after everyone has said their piece - I only started paying attention when it was Jaehyung's turn, before that I was busy trying to take pictures - Jaehyung opened his mouth, stopped and stared blankly for a bit and we all started laughing. As for Seungyeop, he said he had prepared something for Show Champion but in the end he had no chance to speak, so we all told him to do it on the spot, and he sang a couple of lines.
Then suddenly they said they're gonna shake hands with all the fans present! Since they had did it in Japan with the Japanese fans... and this time round was sooo much better, unlike the crazy hurrying in Japan, I actually got to talk to them!  About 10 seconds each, but still... anyway I went last as i was busy trying to take photos. It was about then that I notice the korean fans are shining their phone flashes at the boys - I had though flash was not allowed but apparently not - so I also turned on my flash and got some decent shots, finally.

Lol, thanks Leader!

Eck sorry my depth of field was too shallow, I didn't know you were gonna turn and look at me, Jaehyung!



A lucky Seungyeop fan who won the Pepero! So she's showing off her prized loot to Seungyeop, who told her to eat well.   (I heard from a Korean fan who showed hers to Yunyoung, Yunyoung said that he worked the hardest and his are the best Pepero! Lol, there's only 2 of you doing it anyway, Yunyoung.)

Anyway, what I can remember of my coversation...

SY: Long time no see!
Me: Long time...  yeah right, it's like, 1-2 weeks only? Lol.

SJ: Ahhh~
Me: Ooh I heard you have a solo dance segment at the opening this time! I wanna see it soon! Do well! Fighting!

Jaehyung: *stare smile stare*
Me: *stare smile stare* back.... AHHH did you receive my letter already? The one I passed to HK at DT? (I had written the same question on the whiteboard earlier during their talk segment and showed/asked him but he merely looked confused then.)
Jaehyung: *turns to Hyeong Kon* You didn't pass it to me did you? Eaten it up?
Hyeong Kon: Aahh~ *sheepishly scratching the back of his neck* It's somewhere, I was busy and forgot.
Me: (moved on by this time) Please don't forget it! Make aure you pass it to JH please! Oh by the way how's your knee?
HK: Ooohhh it's perfectly fine now! Thank you!!
Me: The Japanese fans are also worried about it..
HK: Oh thank you!

YY: AAhhhh!! Thank You!
Me: AAhhhh!!   *forgot what I had to say to him* Sorry my hands are so icy cold! <-- in Japanese
YY: Thank You Thank You Thank You!!
Me: ?????  ( Think he brain-freezed from cold already, shut-off and could not decipher japanese anymore... hahaha.)

HJ: Hello!
Me: Your hair.... (motioning to the fringe) this is way nicer!!
HJ: Thank You!
Me: See you on Thursday!

SM: Oooh long time no see.
Me: Yes! Ahhh I have missed hearing Sungmin's great voice! Looking forward to Thursday's recording!
Sm: Ah yes thank you!

As you can see from the photos, the boys appeared in their performance outfits while the rest of us were clad in layers and layers as it's about 4-5 degrees then. BRRRRR. esp Hyeong Kon - he doesn't even have sleeves! So the fan manager told us to hurry and let the boys off so that they don't catch a cold. As you can see a staff even had a blanket ready for poor Yunyoung who grabbed and hugged it like a lifesaver. ^^;; We followed and walked them to their car (I was trying to take photos but unsuccessful, too much moving - urgh - Jaehyung even waved and smiled directly at my camera as he came towards and passed me...) and they left after that.

The surprise fanmeeting was organised to make up to the fans who came expecting to see them perform 2MYX but missed the sudden pre-recording - like me - and it was effective. Otherwise I would still be crying about that now.

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Welcome to Spring Treasure, an international blog dedicated to A-JAX!

Owned by a crazy Jaehyung fan living in Seoul (but i like and will update for every member).

All photos/videos are taken by me unless stated otherwise.




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